Pegasus Referrals Program

Mainnet Launch

Pegasus Finance
2 min readApr 14, 2022


Pegasus is introducing a referrals program! Invite your friends to trade using your unique referral link and both of you will earn 10 Sealed Pega after they open a position of at least 0.1 ETH.

Update: The whitelist has been removed and you can refer anyone and everyone to trade on the protocol!

How to Refer 🤑

To get your personal referral link, visit our referrals page and click the generate a code button. Each address has a custom referral code, so make sure you have the right address connected when generating the code.

Generate a code

To make things even easier, we’ve also generated unique trading URLs for your referral code which will automatically credit your account with the referral without needing a separate submission!

As a little boost, we’ve made custom Twitter profile banners that will feature your referral code. Use these as your Twitter banners and when people snoop on your profile🕵️‍♀️, they can use your referral code. Find it here: Figma template. Hop into our discord for a video tutorial on how to use it!

Twitter Banner for Cap Finance Referrals

Once they’ve opened a position of at least 0.1 WETH with your unique trading URL, they’ll get a message saying their referral has been credited! For the smoothest experience make sure you use the exact URL you are given.

Message after a position has been made showing a successful referral

To track your progress we’ve added a counter at the bottom of the referrals page. Keep in mind that this is an estimate and the actual number referred could change during verification at the end of the epoch.

Counter on the referrals page showing number of referrals submitted

Before we go: Top Trader 🧠

As an added incentive, the top trader of the day will have their referral code featured in the referral code claim section. This means visitors passing through who don't have a code can use your code! What a sweet deal 💰.



Pegasus Finance

A retail focused interest rate perpetual on Optimism